Monday, August 30, 2010

Dividing of the Chores

I'm not a fan of cleaning.  It really doesn't do anything for me. Sure, I clean because I like being in a clean house, but if I could hire a maid, I would.  Up until a few months ago, I was in school full time, while working full time.  K works odd hours, so that didn't leave much time for meticulous vacuuming and dusting every day.  I'm no longer planning a wedding, and grad school isn't taking up a ton of time, so I now constantly feel guilted into cleaning.  What else am I going to do, other than sit on my butt, eat, and watch Teen Mom?  (I'm so glad it's back on this week!).

There are certain things I do around the house, and there are certain things I refuse to do, and leave up to K.  We share certain things, like laundry, cat care and vacuuming.  Here's how we divide and conquer the rest of the chores.

Nice and clean.

I cook.  I am the only cook in our kitchen.  K has no interest in learning, and I have little interest in teaching.  I never ask, or expect him to cook.  However, he cleans up the dishes after dinner. 

I do all of the bills.  Not cleaning related, but a chore.  I'm in charge of our budget, and I manage our money and pay everything.  K hates worrying about the bills, and I'm fairly obsessive about handling the finances, so it works.

I clean the bathrooms.  Scrubbing the toilets, washing out the sinks, wiping down the floors and shower... you get the picture.

K takes out the garbage (although, I'll do it ONCE in awhile).

He is also in charge of mowing/maintaining the lawn.  I have no idea how to even begin doing this, so that's all on him.

My husband is the official bug killer.  HATE.  Don't even get me started on bugs.  If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see 90% of the time I'm complaining  about bugs, cleaning or school.  Yeah, I wouldn't follow me, either.  If anything, GOD FORBID, is moldy in our fridge, he handles that too.  I just can't.  Mold scares me.

So, that's how we get things done in our household.  How do you guys handle chores?

1 comment:

  1. We are the same. Not even kidding! Nasty fridge food = sickkkkk! Hahaha And don't get me started on ticks or millipedes... eck
